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Masa | 13hb November · 7.00 pagi - 10.00 pagi |
Lokasi | Plentong, Johor Bahru |
Dianjurkan Oleh: | |
Maklumat Lanjut | The EPIC ride is BACK again!!! Plentong Epic 2011. This ride will cover 60km of nice trail cutting across various terrain in Plentong. Beginners - Experts levels all are welcome to join us for this fun ride. Please be invited to join the Plentong Epic Ride 2011 Johor Bahru The Trail:- Over 60km of wonderful trails cutting across various terrains in Plentong, Johor Bahru with many new sections of fabulous single tracks. Beginners or EXPERTS, THERE are something for everyone-fast fire roads, gorgeous single tracks, lung-busting climbs and adrenaline pumping downhill and the most important is, less tarmac and all are rideable, There is also a chicken loop for the not so strong RIDERS. The details of the event as below: Fee: RM45 / SGD20 Date: 13th Nov 2011 (Sunday) Time: 7.00am - 4.00pm Venue: Plentong, JB -------------------------- Tips:- GPS Coordinate: (Location Registration) N1 31.420 E103 49.242 Google Map Direction: (Best route for you come to us) http://maps.google.com.my/ -------------------------- Registration:- Is now OPEN For online registration: - Go to this link below and fill up the detail - Once the fee is transferred do email to us the transaction references or bank slip as payment - http://cyclemotion2000.com For team registration: - Download the form from the link below - Fill up all riders details and email back to us the complete form together with the bank slip or any online bank transaction references - http://www.cyclemotion2000 Registration will be close on 30 October 2011 -------------------------- Contact Details:- Website : http://www.cyclemotion2000 Email : jbcyclemotion2000@yahoo.co (Pls send your bankin-slip/tranfer receipt to this email) (+6012-7566440) David Chang (+6012-7872232) Kvyn Son - kvynson@hotmail.com Fax: 03-20349533 (Fax for team registration please contact Kvyn to confirm your fax received) Bank-in Account; CIMB current account (01200000515103) Son Boon Fung - MY POSB saving (039-69980-0) - SG |
Trail Update:-
Starting point to Checkpoint 1:
- Trail recce done
- Distance: +/- 22km
- Be prepared for mud fest and donuts upgrade for tires
- 30% of fabulous single trail and 40% of fire road and 30% of plantation trail.
- Trail difficulties 6/10