Excellent photos provided by
Zai Kona Lisa
Salehudin Din
Thomas Fong Choon Tuck
Mohd Haris Khalim

Zai Kona Lisa
Salehudin Din
Thomas Fong Choon Tuck
Mohd Haris Khalim

Masa | 25hb September · 9.00 pagi - 12.00 ptg |
Lokasi | Batu Arang, Selangor |
Dianjurkan Oleh: | |
Maklumat Lanjut | Background on Batu Arang. The last hash in Batu Arang was set by Veronica and Alex in 2007. So after a 4 year hiatus, it is time for the Klmbh to rumble down and give the old town a shake. Below are excerpts from Wikipedia and theStar: “Batu Arang is a former coal mining town in Selangor, Malaysia. Apart from coal, Batu Arang was also known for its brick manufacturing. Coal was first found in Batu Arang in the early 1900s and a study in 1910 revealed that mining was commercially viable. By the 1930s the developing town had an airstrip, a railway line, gurkha’s police base, police station and a brick factory.” – Wikipedia Lamdmark 1 - Post Office, can be seen near the famous roundabout (Bulatan Utama), was built in the 1920s. Landmark 2 - Chap Kuan Chinese School, built in 1949. Landmark 3 – “WHITE HOUSE” built in the 1930s and used as the British Army officers’s mess. Since 2008, the double- storey ‘white house’ building owned by the Sisters of the Infant Jesus (IJS) is used by Welcome Community Home (WCH) as a hospice for aid sufferers. (http://www.archway.org.my/ Date: 25 September, 2011 Venue: Batu Arang, Selangor. Time: Pre-Briefing at 9:15 am/ Ride Starts at 9:30 am Hares: Mike Kwan, Ying How, Ai Ling, Mohan, Sylvia, Riza The Directions: 1. Join the North-South Highway and head north towards Ipoh. 2. Take Exit 116 to Rawang (at Km445). 3. Zero your trip meter at the Toll (Exit 116). 4. Go 0.3km after Toll and turn left at the lights and go straight ignoring all turns for about 8.6km until you reach the left turn at km 8.9 to Batu Arang. 5. KM 1.8 – Caltex on the left. 6. KM 3.2 – Shell on your right. 7. KM 4.5 – Ignore left turn to Kundang 8. KM 5.1 – Ignore left turn to Bandar Tasik Puteri (BTP). There is a nursery on your right. 9. Road is narrow and winding from BTP for about 4km. 10. KM 8.9 – Turn left to Batu Arang (N3 20 13.2 E101 29 33.8) 11. KM 11.2 – The ‘White House’ on your left. 12. KM 11.8 – BHP on your left. 13. KM 12.4 – Turn left at Jalan DPP ( N3 19 11.8 E101 28 33.5). 14. KM 12.9 – Muslim Cemetery on your left. 15. KM 13 - Turn left into plantation road and drive 500m to reach the hash site (N3 19 18.7 E101 28 55.9). Park along the side of the main plantation road or inside the plantation (more shade and cooler) but keep the main road clear for lorries and tractors. Ride Description: The Long ride is approximately 27km and the Scenic ride 16km. The Long ride is a challenging ride and varied. You start the hash by riding through a long and undulating section in an acacia forest where the trails are well maintained and views are panoramic. The first one-third of the hash is a bit exposed and we will do it first in the morning to take advantage of the cooler conditions. We will then pass through orchards, some challenging but short climbing sections before going back into palm, grass plains, more palm. As said earlier, it is a varied terrain. It is challenging and certainly not easy, so bring at least 3L of water and your favourite bars and gels. The Scenic ride will take you through palm and the quieter roads in Batu Arang. It is a lovely ride. Maybe a bit longer than the average Scenic but take your time and enjoy it. The last 10km of the scenic is primarily Palm and shares the same route as the Long. We have enjoyed riding here this last two months and we hope that you will enjoy this visit to the historical charm that is Batu Arang. * The meeting point for those who wants to convoy and have breakfast before the ride is @ Petronas, Jalan Batu Arang. It is less than one (1) KM from the Rawang Toll Plaza. Just keep left after the Toll and turn left @ the traffic light. The locale on your left. Time to be there is 07:45am. ** For further information, please contact +6012.205.4444, Eric @ +6012.389.6345 or Kenz @ +6012.398.9626 |