Hari AIDS Sedunia yang disambut kelmarin lebih mendedahkan penggunaan kondom kepada masyarakat itu sendiri. Dengan lain perkataan, jika hendak melakukan perhubungan seks, janganlah lupa memakai kondom. Gambar di bawah menjelaskan madsud artikel ini. Hari AIDS Sedunia = Hari kondom Sedunia
Kondom gergasi...A group of young people hold a huge condom during an event at Virgin Mary square in Valencia city, eastern Spain
A woman attaches a condom to a board spelling out 'AIDS' in condoms, in Seoul, South Korea
A volunteer worker in a costume featuring a condom poses with other volunteers during an AIDS awareness campaign in Seoul, South Korea
Gaya pun dah memberahikan penonton.... Romanian medical students dance during a flash mob event to raise awareness to the risk of being infected with the HIV virus, at the main railway station in Bucharest, Romania
Indian glass artist Basavarju S Gowda displays inflated condoms and a picture frame conveying a 'safe sex' message inside glass jars as part of an awareness campaign
Bentuk macam kondom : Visitors walk through an exhibition by Irish artist Bryan McCormack, called "Sounds of my Life", at the Georges Pompidou art centre in Paris. Coloured plastic condoms decorate all floors of the centre as part of a campaign to fight AIDS
Pakaian dari kondom : Members of the Population and Community Development Association wear costumes made of condoms during a march marking World AIDS Day in Pattaya, Thailand