Chen Forng-shean, mengambil masa 30 tahun menyiapkan 120 miniature,tang dipertontonkan dalam satu pameran di Hong Kong pada 23Nov2011. Untuk membuat miniature ini, Chen menguasai teknik pernafasan dan mengawal lengannya. Hasil kerjanya diiktiraf oleh Guinness World Records.
Chen Forng-shean, a Taiwanese sculptor of miniatures, who has spent 30 years making over 120 miniature works, unveiled an exhibition in Hong Kong on No. 23. To make tiny likenesses of teapots, Santa Claus and pandas, Chen had to master breathing techniques and how to control his arms. He has used paper, wood, bamboo, sand, hair, rice, thread and fly wings to create his art, which have been recognized by Guinness World Records.

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