Seekor penguin hitam memberi makan kepada penguin kecil di South Georgia Island. Jurugambarnya, Michael Nolan berada di Antartik apabila dia terserempak dengan penguin hitam jantan yang jarang2 ditemui
A black king penguin feeds its chick at Fortuna Harbour on South Georgia Island. Wildlife photographer Michael Nolan travelled to the Antarctic to capture the penguin breeding colonies when he came across this rare black male penguin...
A black king penguin feeds its chick at Fortuna Harbour on South Georgia Island. Wildlife photographer Michael Nolan travelled to the Antarctic to capture the penguin breeding colonies when he came across this rare black male penguin...
Penguin ini jarang ditemui, hanya 1 setiap 30,000 penguin. Warnanya yag gelap disebabkan oleh kehadiran pigmen hitam yang banyak di kulit, bulu dan bulu mata.
Melanistic penguins are incredibly rare (1 in every 30,000). Their colour is caused by an increased amount of dark pigmentation of skin, feathers, eyes or hair, resulting in a loss of pigmentation patterns in their features.
Melanistic penguins are incredibly rare (1 in every 30,000). Their colour is caused by an increased amount of dark pigmentation of skin, feathers, eyes or hair, resulting in a loss of pigmentation patterns in their features.