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30hb Oktober · 9.00 pagi - 12.00 ptg
Ulu Selangor Estate
Dianjurkan Oleh:
Maklumat Lanjut
Bash Date : 30th Oct 2011
Bash Site : Ulu Selangor Estate
Parking Site : Near Kuala Kubu Bahru KTM Station ( N3 33' 18.6", E101 38' 19.1" )
Hares : Thomas Fong, Eric Teo, Albert Chua, Jason Loo, Toh Hoon Chew
Long Ride: 22km
Short Ride: 12km
As usual carry lots of water as some part is open climb.
Direction :
Head North for Rawang town by North-South Highway...
Zerorise tripmeter when you pay your toll
0.2km - Turn right at T-junction
3.6km - Straight through Overhead bridge ( Rawang town ) over old road from KL
4.0km - Turn right at small Roundabout
8.0km - Passing Sg Buaya turn-off on your left
23.8km - Passing Batangkali turn-off on your right
27.3km - Passing Rasa turn-off on your left
28.3km - Passing 1st Frasers Hill turn-off on your right
34.5km - Turn left at KTM-KKB junction
34.8km - STRAIGHT (and NOT into KTM Station) on to Parking Site at the end of T- road
Those who knows how to use Bkt Beruntung way can proceed to link Rawang-Ipoh trunk road turning
left and turn left again at KKB traffic light to reach hash site (KTM)
30hb Oktober · 9.00 pagi - 12.00 ptg
Ulu Selangor Estate
Dianjurkan Oleh:
Maklumat Lanjut
Bash Date : 30th Oct 2011
Bash Site : Ulu Selangor Estate
Parking Site : Near Kuala Kubu Bahru KTM Station ( N3 33' 18.6", E101 38' 19.1" )
Hares : Thomas Fong, Eric Teo, Albert Chua, Jason Loo, Toh Hoon Chew
Long Ride: 22km
Short Ride: 12km
As usual carry lots of water as some part is open climb.
Direction :
Head North for Rawang town by North-South Highway...
Zerorise tripmeter when you pay your toll
0.2km - Turn right at T-junction
3.6km - Straight through Overhead bridge ( Rawang town ) over old road from KL
4.0km - Turn right at small Roundabout
8.0km - Passing Sg Buaya turn-off on your left
23.8km - Passing Batangkali turn-off on your right
27.3km - Passing Rasa turn-off on your left
28.3km - Passing 1st Frasers Hill turn-off on your right
34.5km - Turn left at KTM-KKB junction
34.8km - STRAIGHT (and NOT into KTM Station) on to Parking Site at the end of T- road
Those who knows how to use Bkt Beruntung way can proceed to link Rawang-Ipoh trunk road turning
left and turn left again at KKB traffic light to reach hash site (KTM)